基本動作確認済み。TIPTOPよりも音が太いとの事でDANNY SOUNDのDIYキット組み立て済み品を購入しました。個人ビルダーと思われますが、不備はありませんでした。自分の好みでは無かった為、出品致します。[商品内容]本体、リボンケーブル、ネジ。DESCRIPTIONThe Cali oscillator is a new and improved version of the classic Buchla 258 wave shaping oscillator with an additional pulse width modulated output. The oscillator features the classic Sine to Square and Sine to Saw wave shaping with dedicated CV control. The Cali Oscillator differs from previous versions of the 258 in that it has a 3-way position switch rather than 2-way. This new middle position features a bonus waveform that will shape from a pulse into a kind of triangular trapezoid shape. The shaping control is more unpredictable in this middle position and the switch reacts to body contact when the wave shape is set low – it can be thought of as an extra bonus waveform, great for producing glitchy sounds! モジュラーシンセユーロラックTIPTOP AUDIO#TIPTOP#モジュラーシンセ#ユーロラック#Buchla #VCO #LFO